A very favourable assessment; indicating strong likelihood of happiness, comfort and pleasure through marriage/partnering. It could be
an envious marriage for its relationship quality and the partner you have. Getting married or getting into long-term relationships
would be very easy. The partner might be of very good social standing, looks or status...somebody who is a "good catch". Depending
on the cultural and occupational mileu of the person, it can mean plenty of partners, if the person is so inclined.
Just like a Very Strong rating for property means large or many houses, in the case of partnering, it means an abundance in terms
of happiness and gain from marriage etc. Whether it is obtained with a single partner or many is a different story, which we are not
getting into here :-)
In a conventional sense, this means early or on-time marriage, a very supportive spouse and blissful married life! Getting a
partner should never be a problem.
Liberally speaking, having boy/girl-friends will be so easy and will start from an early age. You will be the envy of others for the
ease with which friendships and relationships with the opposite sex is made and maintained.
If the partner is of normal status or social standing, it could mean that the partner's life and status will see a great
improvement due to the strength provided by your horoscope!
Remember that this rating is like a weighted-average score; after evaluating the positives and negatives. While all the above is
more likely, one could have a big see-saw life, with great happiness and a bit of heart-break too, if there are strong adverse
indications to so indicate.
Astrological Explanation
'Partner' is conventionally taken to be the spouse(wife or husband). But in reality
it extends to cover any sustained relationship with the opposite sex. The quality
of the relationship; the spouse, how much it benefits you, the longevity of the
relationship etc, can be assessed from 10+ indicators like the Kalatra Bhaava
ie. "7th House" of the horoscope, the Significator (Kaaraka),
special partnering combinations (Yogas) etc.
You can opt for astrology consulting for a more comprehensive and personalised Marriage assessment.
In this horoscope,
Vrischika is the 7thHouse and our analysis
show that it is
very strong. The 7th Lord is
Kuja, and it is
very strong. Shukra signifying partner & marriage,
is the significator and it is
on par.
Yogas (planetary combinations)
with the 7th lord or in the 7th house, are a great indicator
for ease and quality of partnering. We see
no yoga(s) in the 7th house, while the 7th
lord participates in
no yoga(s).
Summing up: Taking all these together, we have concluded that the 7th
house is
very strong.