I had discussed in detail about the Narendra Modi horoscope  along with astrological predictions for Narendra Modi. I then realized that he is having his Shani Sade Sati (Saade Saath). This is the transit of Saturn over his Scorpio moon sign. In common folklore and dinner table conversations, Shani Saade Saath is seen as a harbinger of hurdles and unwelcome stuff. One version even says that the first cycle of Sade Sati is dull, the 2nd will lift and the 3rd will kill :-). Few realize that this is also common sense.  By the time the 3rd cycle comes, the person will be anywhere between 60 to 90 years old and more likely to have major health issues !

Simple Sade Sati calculator

Saturn takes 2 1/2 years to cross each sign (Raashi). It is deemed to have an unfavourable  effect when transiting over the 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from the Moon Sign (Janma Raashi). Hence Saath / Sati / Satti  meaning  7 and Sade / Saade means 1/2, referring to Shani spending 7.5 years in the 3 signs.

In What is Sade Sati I have given an introduction to Sade Sati and an overview of all relevant stuff like Sade Sati effects, remedies, calendar etc. It is a quick 4 minute read to get a grasp of what this astrological term means.

When will it start and end: Not when Saturn enters the 12th house, but when Saturn is 45 degrees away from Moon. A 3 step method has been laid out in a short postSade Sati Period – How to Calculate in 3 easy steps. This has also been illustrated below in Modi’s example.

Shani Sade Sati Effects and Narendra Modi

Sade Sati Effects explains how to get a grip on how & what Sade Sati affects. Let us now apply the rules mentioned there to the horoscope of Narendra Modi.

  1. Good or Bad: Libra has 17, Scorpio has 30 and Saggitarius has 31 ‘bindus’ / points in their ashtakavargas.
  2. What aspects of Life: Houses 1, 3, 4, 9 and 10 pointing to – Self, body, fame; siblings; mother, vehicles, place change; father, fortune, preceptor; work / career – are the ones which will get affected
  3. Start and End: Moon is in the 9th degree in Scorpio. Sade Sati for Narendra Modi, thus started some time in July 2011 – in 24th degree Virgo. It will end in 2019 – after crossing 23 degrees of Sagittarius.

From the birth chart of Narendra Modi, we see that Saturn, for the next 5 years, will be in Scorpio & Sagittarius. These rashis have more than 28 points, giving full advantage to Modi for all these indications. Favourable place change from Gandhinagar to New Delhi will happen 🙂 Fame, career, self, fortune – all get a boost in this last 2 legs of Shani Sade Sati (Saade Saath).

The first 2.5 years of Sadesati can be termed irksome for Narendra Modi, in terms of CBI inquiries, his Home minister indicted in the riots. But it has also seen him becoming the BJP PM candidate and getting a clean chit in the inquiry by the SIT. So the 17 points in Libra have not troubled him much ! The first year of Sadesati, in 2011-12 would be in Kanya (Virgo) with 36 points. This would have seen him get a great gain, like winning his 4th term as Gujarat Chief Minister, with a thumping margin.

So a powerful birth chart, very favourable periods and helpful Shani Sade Sati (Saade Saath) makes his position invincible! Going by recent tweets, it is Shani which must be worried about the birth chart of Narendra Modi 😉 Clearly Mr. Modi has no need for now, to read or follow Sade Sati Remedies.

Now you must be curious to see how this applies to you. You can see your birth chart here with your Asthakavarga table and apply your learnings from this illustration and see your birth-chart and those of your near & dear.

You can also explore the astrology consulting plans we have in case you have other questions to ask